Table of Contents


Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


:bulb: Tip: The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document docs/diagrams folder. Refer to the PlantUML Tutorial at se-edu/guides to learn how to create and edit diagrams.
:information_source: Note: For all sequence diagrams, note that the lifeline for objects should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline continues until the end of the diagram.


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Below is a quick overview of the main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shutdown.

  • At app launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence and connects them up with each other.
  • At shutdown, it shuts down the other components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

The bulk of the app’s work is done by the following four components:

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside components from being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, MeetingListPanel, StatusBarFooter, etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFX UI framework. The layout of these UI parts is defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays the Person object residing in the Model.

Logic component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("delete 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an AddressBookParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g. DeleteCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g. DeleteCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to delete a person).
    Note that although this is shown as a single step in the diagram above (for simplicity), in the code it can take several interactions (between the command object and the Model) to achieve.
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the AddressBookParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g. AddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and creates an XYZCommand object (e.g. AddCommand) which the AddressBookParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g. AddCommandParser, DeleteCommandParser, …) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g. during testing.

Model component


The Model component

  • stores the address book data i.e., all Person objects (which are contained in a UniquePersonList object).
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Person objects (e.g. results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Person> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref object.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Storage component


The Storage component

  • can save both address book data and user preference data in JSON format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both AddressBookStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component’s job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.findvisor.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Data Changing Commands

The section aims to show how the different components interact with each other when a command that changes the data stored in FINDvisor is called.

The edit command will be used as an example to demonstrate the interactions.

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction within the Logic component when executing EditCommand.


The following sequence diagram shows the interactions within the Model component when executing EditCommand.


The following sequence diagram shows the interactions within the Storage component when executing EditCommand.


Meeting Scheduling

Person class has an Optional<Meeting> field which will hold a Meeting object that contains the meeting details if a meeting is scheduled with the person. Otherwise, it will hold an Optional.empty() to represent no meeting is scheduled with the person.

The supported meeting details are:

  • Start date time
  • End date time
  • Remarks

Schedule Command

The schedule command is implemented to allow users to schedule meetings within the application. The command follows a sequence of interactions similar to the other commands. The part to highlight is ScheduleCommandParser#parse(String) creates a Meeting object containing the parsed meeting details and it is then passed to ScheduleCommand.

The following sequence diagram shows how a schedule meeting operation goes through the Logic component: Schedule Meeting Sequence Diagram

Reschedule Command

The reschedule command is designed to provide users with the capability to update the meeting details of a previously scheduled meeting. The primary action is the creation of a new Meeting object with the specified changes, that will replace the current Meeting object of the specified person in the Model.

The execution flow of the reschedule command follows a sequence of interactions similar to the edit Command, with the main difference being that RescheduleCommand takes an EditMeetingDescriptor instead of EditPersonDescriptor.

Unschedule Command

The unschedule command is designed to provide users with the capability to remove previously scheduled meetings. The primary action is the removal of the Meeting object from the specified person’s record in the Model.

The execution flow of the unschedule command is similar to the one shown for the schedule command (refer to the sequence diagram for ScheduleCommand shown above), with the main difference being the personToEdit will have their meeting field set to Optional.empty().

Design Choice

The implementation of the schedule and unschedule commands are in this manner to maintain consistency with the existing command structure.

For the schedule command, in the case where a person already has a meeting scheduled, the schedule command will result in an error, instead of overwriting the existing meeting details. This behavior is chosen over the alternative of overwriting the existing meeting details to guard against accidental data loss.

Remark Feature

Users are able to add a Remark to a Person in FINDvisor to note down some information about a Person.

The remark feature is implemented by creating a RemarkCommand, which updates the Remark of a Person. A separate command is used to support the remark feature to separate the logic of the personal particulars of a Person from the Remark.

Remark is implemented with the use of the Optional generic class (i.e. Optional<Remark>) as it is an optional attribute of a Person. While it is possible to determine an empty Remark through its value, the Optional generic class provides a better abstraction for when a Remark is empty.

When a user passes a parameter that is either empty or consists exclusively of whitespace, the Remark attribute of a Person would be updated to Optional.empty(). This is equivalent to a user removing the previous Remark of a Person.

The following sequence diagram shows how the remark value is parsed through the Logic component:


:information_source: Note: The activation bar for LogicManager does not end after the RemarkCommand is returned. The above diagram is only meant to highlight the parsing for Remark which is why the sequence diagram ends here.

Note that parseRemark(value) will also check if value adheres to the constraints of REMARK as it is possible for users to input characters that would hinder the operations of FINDvisor. If value does not comply with the constraints, a ParseException is thrown and FINDvisor will output an error message that informs the user why the operation was unsuccessful.

Searching persons by person’s information feature

This feature allows users to find a specific Person field based on the user-supplied string, all Person that contains the specified search string in the specified field will be displayed to the user. The find mechanism is facilitated by FindCommand and FindCommandParser which extends Command and Parser respectively. Note that FindCommandParser implements FindCommand#parse(String) which checks if there is only one parameter supplied by the user which corresponds to the Person field to be searched.

The currently supported Person fields that can be searched are:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Remark
  • Meeting Date
  • Meeting Remark
  • Tags

The following sequence diagram below shows how Model and LogicManger components interact with the find feature. Below are the definitions used in the sequence diagram:

  • find: find n/John
  • argument: n/John
  • value: John


  1. The user executes find n/John to find all Person with Name containing John.
  2. The FindCommandParser checks that only one parameter is present in the user input. This parameter is used to indicate which Person field to search for.
  3. When called upon to parse the value of the parameter specified by the user, the FindCommandParser creates a PersonXYZPredicate that encapsulates the user search string e.g. John (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific Person field e.g. PersonNamePredicate).
  4. All PersonXYZPredicate classes (e.g.PersonNamePredicate, PersonEmailPredicate) inherit from the PersonPredicate interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g. during testing.
  5. A new FindCommand instance is created by FindCommandParser and is executed by LogicManger.
  6. FindCommand will call Model#updateFilteredPersonList(PersonPredicate) to update the UI and display all Person that has a Name containing John.
  7. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back to LogicManager.

Search persons by person’s meeting date sub-feature

For search queries based on a person’s meeting date, the user input will be first validated in FindCommandParser to check if it matches the date format specified in FINDvisor. This validation is facilitated by ParserUtil#parseMeetingDate(String). Afterwards, FindCommandParser will create a new PersonMeetingDatePredicate(LocalDate) with the parsed user input if it is valid.

The sequence diagram below shows how Model and LogicManger components interact with the find by person’s meeting date sub-feature. Below are the definitions used in the sequence diagram:

  • find: find m/25-04-2024
  • argument: m/25-04-2024
  • value: 25-04-2024


Add Tag Feature

This feature allows users to add multiple Tags to a Person within the contact list, without the need to use the edit command.

This feature is implemented through the AddTagCommand and the AddTagCommandParser which extends Command and Parser respectively.

The AddTagCommandParser takes in an INDEX and the TAGs to add to a person. If both are supplied and valid, they are passed into the AddTagCommand, if not it will throw an exception according to the error.

The following sequence diagram shows how AddTag interacts with Logic.


  1. The user keys in addtags 1 t/validTag1 t/validTag2 to add 2 valid tags to the Person at the first index.
  2. The AddTagCommandParser first validates the INDEX and TAGs before it returns a new AddTagCommand with the corresponding INDEX and set of Tags.
  3. The LogicManager then executes the AddTagCommand.
  4. The AddTagCommand finds the Person to add the Tags to using INDEX and creates a new Person with the added Tags.
  5. AddTagCommand then calls the setPerson(person, personWithAddedTags) method to set the old Person to the newly created Person.
  6. AddTagCommand then calls updateFilteredPersonList(PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_PERSONS) to update the UI to display the person with the newly added Tags.
  7. CommandResult is then returned to LogicManager.

Delete Tag Feature

This feature allows users to delete multiple Tags from a Person within the contact list, without the need to use the edit command.

The feature is implemented through the DeleteTagCommand and the DeleteTagCommandParser which extends Command and Parser respectively.

The DeleteTagCommandParser takes in an INDEX and the TAGs to delete from a person. If both are supplied and valid, they are passed into the DeleteTagCommand, if not it will throw an exception according to the error. Note that all TAGs supplied must be found on the specified Person to be considered valid.

The following sequence diagram shows how DeleteTagCommand interacts with Logic.


  1. The user keys in deletetag 1 t/validTag to delete validTag associated with the Person at the first INDEX.
  2. The DeleteTagCommandParser checks that the index and tags are valid before it returns a new DeleteTagCommand with the corresponding INDEX and the target TAGs.
  3. The LogicManager then executes the DeleteTagCommand.
  4. The DeleteTagCommand finds the Person using INDEX and checks whether the target Tags exist for the Person.
  5. If all target Tags are found with the targeted Person, the command creates a new Person with all other Tags excluding the specified Tags.
  6. If any target Tags are not found with the targeted Person, the command will return an error message indicating the missing specified Tags.
  7. DeleteTagCommand then calls the setPerson(person, editedPerson) method to set the old Person to the newly created Person.
  8. DeleteTagCommand then calls updateFilteredPersonList(PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_PERSONS) to update the UI to display the newly updated person list in FINDvisor.
  9. CommandResult is then returned to LogicManager.

Planned Enhancements

Team size: 5

1. Allow users to enter more special characters for Remark and Meeting Remark fields

Current Implementation:

  • REMARK and MEETING_REMARK fields use the same predefined set of allowed characters to prevent issues with command parsing. User inputs that contain any characters not included in the pre-defined set will be treated as invalid and result in an error message.
  • For example, if the user wishes to add a remark titled “Birthday on 23/02/2024” for an existing Person at index 1, the command remark 1 r/Birthday on 23/02/2024 will be invalid.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • Modify the predefined set of allowed characters to capture any character instead. However, the characters \ and / must be escaped with \ in order for them to be recognized as an input to the field as these characters may hinder some operations of FINDvior.
  • With reference to the previous remark command, the remark will be successfully saved when the user enters remark 1 r/Birthday on 23\/02\/2024.
  • These changes allow for flexibility since all special characters will be accepted for the REMARK field.

2. Allow users to enter more special characters for the Address field

Current Implementation:

  • Similar to Planned Enhancement 1, the ADDRESS field uses a predefined set of allowed characters to prevent issues with command parsing. User inputs that contain any characters not included in the pre-defined set will be treated as invalid and result in an error message.
  • For example, if the user wishes to edit an existing Person’s address at index 1 with the value “Pinnacle@Duxton”, the command edit 1 a/Pinnacle@Duxton will be invalid.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • Modify the predefined set of allowed characters to capture any character instead. However, the characters \ and / must be escaped with \ in order for them to be recognized as an input to the field as these characters may hinder some operations of FINDvior.
  • For addresses containing / characters, the user must use the \ character to escape each / character similar to the example in Planned Enhancement 1.
  • These changes allow for flexibility since all special characters will be accepted for the ADDRESS field.

3. Allow users to enter more special characters for the Name field

Current Implementation:

  • The NAME field uses a predefined set of allowed characters to prevent issues with command parsing. User inputs that contain any characters not included in the pre-defined set will be treated as invalid and result in an error message.
  • For example, if the user wishes to edit a contact’s name to “Samintharaj Kumar s/o A. Nair” for an existing Person at index 1, the command edit 1 n/Samintharaj Kumar s/o A. Nair will be invalid as / and . are not allowed.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • Modify the predefined set of allowed characters to capture any character instead. However, the characters \ and / must be escaped with \ in order for them to be recognized as an input to the field as these characters may hinder some operations of FINDvior.
  • With reference to the previous edit command, the person at index 1 will have their name successfully edited when the user enters edit 1 n/Samintharaj Kumar s\/o A. Nair.
  • These changes allow for flexibility since all special characters will be accepted for the NAME field.

4. Increase the flexibility of Date and DateTime formats

Current Implementation:

  • FINDvisor only strictly accepts DATE of the format dd-MM-yyyy and DATETIME of the format dd-MM-yyyyTHH:mm.
  • This requires single-digit day and month values to be padded with a zero to be accepted by FINDvisor, hindering the ease of use of the function.
  • For example, if the user wishes to schedule a meeting to a START_DATETIME of 1/1/2024T9:30, which is equivalent to a valid date time 01/01/2024T09:30, FINDvisor will recognize the START_DATETIME value as invalid as it does not comply to our specified format.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • Modify the format of DATE to be d-M-yyyy and DATETIME to be d-M-yyyyTH:mm instead.
  • This allows FINDvisor to accept both single-digit and double-digit day, month, and hour values as valid DATE and DATETIME values and would not require users to pad these single-digit values with a leading zero.

5. Specify error message for parsing invalid DateTime strings in schedule and reschedule commands

Current Implementation:

  • When users input an invalid START_DATETIME or END_DATETIME, an invalid command format error message is shown instead of an invalid datetime error message.
  • The error message is not representative of the error and should be more specific about which fields are incorrect.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • The error message should specify which of the given parameters are failing instead of prompting an invalid command format.
  • This can be applied for both reschedule and schedule as they go through the same checks.
  • For example, The START_DATETIME parameter is invalid or has the wrong format. Please use the following format: dd-MM-yyyy'T'HH:mm, e.g. 02-02-2024T22:00.

6. Warn users when scheduling an overlapping meeting

Current Implementation:

  • No checks for conflicting meetings are done when scheduling a new meeting. The user is able to schedule a meeting with multiple people who can overlap with each other with no warnings.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • When a new meeting is being scheduled or a previous meeting is being rescheduled, the input meeting date and times will be checked against all existing meetings, if there is an overlap, a warning message will be shown to the user.
  • This can be achieved by iterating through all existing persons, and if the person has a non-empty meeting field, check if the new meeting date times overlap with the existing meeting date times.
  • Two meetings overlap when the start time of the one meeting is strictly between the start and end date time of another meeting, or when the end time of the one meeting is strictly between the start and end date time of another meeting.

7. Add confirmation prompt for clear command

Current Implementation:

  • When clear command is entered, there is no confirmation prompt before the command is executed.
  • As our command actions are irreversible, this command can be damaging if users accidentally execute the command as there is no way to recover lost data.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • A confirmation prompt warning the user that all data will be deleted will be shown in the Command Result Box.
  • The confirmation prompt would require users to key in a case-sensitive Y into the Command Box for the command to be executed.
  • Any other given value would cause the clear command to be cancelled and would be stated in the Command Result Box and prevents accidental deletion of the entire data.

8. Notify the user if the data file is invalid

Current Implementation:

  • No error message is displayed to the user when this occurs and users are not informed of the data loss.
  • If a command is executed when the data file is invalid, the data file will be overwritten.

Proposed Enhancement:

  • Display a message in the Command Result Box if the data file cannot be parsed on startup.
  • For example, Data file (<file_location>) could not be loaded! will be shown in the Command Result Box when the data file is invalid, where file_location is the location of the current referenced data file, so the user can modify it accordingly.
  • A new backup file, which is a copy of the current invalid data file, will be automatically created.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • Financial advisors based in Singapore
  • Has a need to manage clients who have Singapore mobile phone numbers
  • Has a need to schedule meetings with a significant number of clients
  • Prefers typing over mouse interactions and types fast
  • Is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps
  • Has English as his first language

Value proposition: FINDvisor enables financial advisors to quickly save and retrieve their contacts’ information such as name, phone number, email and physical address. It also allows financial advisors to add a remark and tags to specific contacts where needed, while offering the capability to manage their meeting details with their contacts.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * New user easily download and launch FINDvisor quickly start managing my client information
* * * New user know how to operate the basic functionalities of FINDvisor  
* * * New user know how to operate the basic functionalities of FINDvisor within the app learn how to use FINDvisor without heavily referencing external documentation
* * * Financial Advisor add contacts of my clients keep a record of my clients’ contact information
* * * Financial Advisor delete a client’s contact reduce clutter in contact list with clients I no longer need contact with
* * * Financial Advisor update client’s contact information  
* * * Financial Advisor filter contact list by partial contact information of a client find a specific client based on what I remember about the client’s contact information
* * * Financial Advisor filter contact list by categories easily find clients based on category
* * * Financial Advisor attach a meeting date and time to my client contact know the next meeting plan with a specific client
* * * Financial Advisor delete a scheduled meeting update my schedule in the event of a cancelled meeting
* * * Financial Advisor categorize my clients into different categories such as financial plans or relationships  
* * Financial Advisor view all my meetings for today be prepared for my meetings of today
* * Financial Advisor filter contact list by meeting date find out who I’m meeting on a specific date
* * Financial Advisor modify a scheduled meeting’s date and time update a meeting’s schedule accordingly
* * Financial Advisor re-categorize my clients into different categories reorganize my client’s categories when needed
* New user import contact information in bulk to FINDvisor easily transfer all my client’s contact into FINDvisor
* * Financial Advisor add a remark about a client take note of additional information about a client as required
* Financial Advisor add a note about each meeting know what the meeting is about
* Financial Advisor edit a note about each meeting update what the meeting is about
* Financial Advisor schedule recurring meeting plans save the effort manually scheduling the meeting each time
* Experienced User remove past meeting information that is no longer needed in bulk easily keep my contact list and meeting information up to date.
* Experienced User use shorthand commands speed up my workflow
* Experienced User set up shortcuts that I can run speed up my workflow
* Experienced User export my data backup my data
* Experienced User import my data restore my data from backup
* Experienced User archive contact data that are not in use, but I still want to keep reduce clutter in the application
* Experienced User archive past meeting data that are not in use, but I still want to keep reduce clutter in the application

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the FINDvisor and the Actor is the user unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Edit a person


  1. User requests to list persons.
  2. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  3. User requests to edit a specific field(s) of a specified person in the list.
  4. FINDvisor edits the respective fields of the person.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for editing a person.

    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 3.

Use case: Search for specific persons based on a person’s field


  1. User requests to find persons based on the entered search category and keywords.
  2. FINDvisor displays all persons that contain specified keywords for the specified search category.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. No persons match the specified keywords.
    • 1a1. FINDvisor displays an empty list.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. FINDvisor detects an error in specified keywords.
    • 1b1. FINDvisor shows an error message and requests for valid keywords from the user.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1c. The given category is invalid.
    • 1c1. FINDvisor shows an error message and requests for a valid category from the user.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Delete a person


  1. User requests to list persons.
  2. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  3. User requests to delete a specific person from the list.
  4. FINDvisor deletes the person.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for deleting a person.

    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 3.

Use Case: Scheduling a meeting with a new person


  1. User adds a new person to FINDvisor.
  2. User requests to list persons.
  3. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  4. User requests to schedule a meeting with a specific person on the list.
  5. A meeting is scheduled.

    Use case ends.


  • 3a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for adding a person.
    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 4a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for scheduling a meeting.
    • 4a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 4.

Use case: Update the remark of a person


  1. User requests to list persons.
  2. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  3. User requests to update the remark of a specific person in the list.
  4. FINDvisor updates the remark of the person.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for updating a remark.
    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 3.

  • 3b. User requests to remove the remark.
    • 3b1. FINDvisor removes the remark of the person.

      Use case ends.

Use case: Add tags to a person


  1. User requests to list persons.
  2. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  3. User requests to add tags to a specific person in the list.
  4. FINDvisor adds specified tags to the person.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given index is invalid.
    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3b. No tag is given.
    • 3b1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3c. Fields do not comply with stated formats and constraints.
    • 3c1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Deleting tags from a person


  1. User requests to list persons.
  2. FINDvisor shows a list of persons.
  3. User requests to delete one or more tags associated with a specific person in the list.
  4. FINDvisor deletes the tags associated with the specific person.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for deleting a tag.

    • 3a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 2.

  • 4a. FINDvisor detects an error in the given data for deleting a tag.

    • 4a1. FINDvisor shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should work without requiring an installer.
  3. Should be packaged into a single jar file.
  4. Should be below the size limit of 100MB for FINDvisor and 15MB for Docs.
  5. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  6. Should not depend on a remote server.
  7. A user with above-average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  8. Should not cause any resolution-related inconveniences to the user.
  9. Should store data locally in a human-editable text file without the use of DBMS.
  10. Should be used by a single user.
  11. Command names should be representative of their actions.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS.
  • Private contact detail: A contact detail that is not meant to be shared with others.
  • Client/Contact/Person: These terms are used interchangeably to refer to a single person in FINDvisor.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

:information_source: Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing. Alternative test cases with similar expected results are provided for each example test case but are not exhaustive.

Launch and shutdown

Initial launch


  1. Java 11 is installed in the system.


  1. Download the latest findvisor.jar file and move it into an empty folder.
  2. Open the command terminal in the folder containing findvisor.jar.
  3. Run java -jar FINDvisor.jar.

Expected Result:

  1. FINDvisor GUI appears in a minimized window.
  2. FINDvisor contains a list of sample contacts.

Saving workspace settings


  1. Test case: Resize the window to a preferred size.
  2. Close FINDvisor.
  3. Relaunch FINDvisor through the command terminal as stated in initial launch.

Expected Result:

  1. FINDvisor retains the previous window state before it was closed.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • Shifting the window to a desired position.
  • Maximizing the window and restoring the window from maximized state.
  • Changing the divider position between Today’s Meeting Panel and other UI components.

Adding a person

Adding a person successfully


  1. There is no person in the list with the same mobile phone number as the person to be added.

Example Test Case: add n/Brendan Lim e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List shows all contacts in FINDvisor.
  2. Person List contains the information of the newly added person as specified.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the newly added person’s information.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • add n/Brendan Lim e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653 t/PRUGrowth t/LimFamily.
  • add p/96734294 n/Brendan Lim e/ t/PRUGrowth a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653 t/LimFamily.
  • add n/Brendan Lim the 3rd e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653.

Invalid value or format used for adding a person


  1. There are multiple persons stored in FINDvisor data.
  2. There is no person with the mobile phone number 96734294.
  3. There is a person with the mobile phone number 88812457.

Example Test Case: add n/Lim Wei Sheng @ Brendan e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653 t/PRUGrowth.

Expected Result:

  1. Person is not added to FINDvisor.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • add n/Devin Leonardo e/ p/88812457 a/Blk 60 Kaki Bukit Place 03-11 Singapore 415979.
  • add n/Brendan Lim e/ p/96734294.
  • add n/ e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653 t/PRUGrowth.
  • add n/Brendan Lim n/Lim Wei Sheng Brendan e/ p/96734294 a/Blk 653C Jurong West Street 61 Singapore 643653 t/PRUGrowth.

Viewing all persons

Viewing all persons successfully

Example Test Case: list.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor.
  2. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message.
  3. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • list 1.
  • list a.

Editing a person

Editing a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 2 persons in the list.
  2. No person in FINDvisor has the mobile phone number 96734294.

Example Test Case: edit 1 p/96734294 e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/PRUGrowth.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor. The respective person’s fields will be overwritten with the specified values supplied in the command.
  2. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the edited person’s details.
  3. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  1. edit 2 n/James Lee e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/PRUGrowth.
  2. edit 1 n/John Tan.

Editing a person who has a meeting scheduled today successfully

  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 2 persons are displayed in the list.
  2. The first person in the list also has a meeting scheduled today.

Example Test Case: edit 1 n/James Lee e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665.

Expected Result:

  1. Today’s Meeting List shows updated person’s fields (name and phone number only) based on the specified values supplied in the command.
  2. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor. The respective person’s fields will be overwritten with the specified values supplied in the command.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the edited person’s details.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Invalid value or command format used for editing a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).
  2. The first existing person in the Person List has the mobile phone number 96734294.

Example Test Case: edit 2 p/96734294.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor. No person’s fields will be edited.
  2. Command Result Box will display error details.
  3. Input in the Command Box remains but turns red.

Alternative Test Cases:

  1. edit 1 n/.
  2. edit -1.
  3. edit 100000 n/Jane Doe.
  4. edit 1 n/John Doe n/Jane Doe.

Searching for persons

Searching for persons successfully

Example Test Case: find n/Alex.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor satisfying the search criteria.
  2. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the number of persons found, the specified search string and category is also displayed.
  3. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  1. find e/johntan.
  2. find mr/Online Meeting.
  3. find m/03-10-2024.

Invalid value or command format used for searching persons

Example Test Case: find m/40-15-2024.

Expected Result:

  1. Person List will not be updated.
  2. Command Result Box will display error details.
  3. Input in the Command Box remains but turns red.

Alternative Test Cases:

  1. find n/.
  2. find m/03/10/2024.
  3. find m/3rd March 2024.

Deleting a person

Deleting a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.

Example Test Case: delete 5.

Expected Result:

  1. The contact information of the person at the specified index of the list is deleted from FINDvisor.
  2. Person List shows the list of contacts without the deleted person.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the deleted person’s information.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • delete 3.
  • delete 1.

Deleting a person with a scheduled meeting today successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 person is in the list.
  2. The first person in the list has a scheduled meeting today.

Example Test Case: delete 1.

Expected Result:

  1. The contact information of the person at the specified index of the list is deleted from FINDvisor.
  2. Person List shows the list of contact without the deleted person.
  3. Today’s Meeting List shows the list of today’s meetings without the deleted person.
  4. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the deleted person’s information.
  5. Command Box is cleared.

Invalid value or command format used for deleting a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example Test Case: delete.

Expected Result:

  1. No person in the contact list is deleted.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • delete 0.
  • delete 100000.
  • delete1.

Scheduling a meeting with a person

:information_source: Note: The following test cases are based on the assumption that the current system datetime is before 20th June 2024. If the current system datetime is after 20th June 2024, the year of the input datetimes must be set to a future year.

Scheduling a meeting with a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. No person in the list has any scheduled meeting.

Example Test Case: schedule 1 s/12-12-2024T16:00 e/12-12-2024T17:00 mr/Online Meeting.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting details of the specified person are updated with the provided meeting date and time.
  2. Person List updates the list of contacts with the person with details of the meeting.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the details of the meeting with the specified person.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • schedule 2 s/12-12-2024T16:00 e/12-12-2024T17:00.
  • schedule 3 s/12-12-2024T16:00 e/12-12-2024T17:00 mr/Meeting @ House.

Scheduling a meeting that starts today with a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. No person in the list has any scheduled meeting.
  3. The provided meeting start date must be the same as the system’s current date.

Example test case: schedule 1 s/12-12-2024T12:00 e/12-12-2024T14:00.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting details of the specified person are updated with the provided meeting date and time.
  2. Person List updates the list of contact with the person with details of the meeting.
  3. Today’s Meeting List shows the list of today’s meetings with the specified person.
  4. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the details of the meeting with the specified person.
  5. Command Box is cleared.

Scheduling a meeting with a person who has a scheduled meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. All persons in the list have a scheduled meeting.

Example Test Case: schedule 1 s/23-12-2024T16:00 e/23-12-2024T17:00.

Expected Result:

  1. Meeting is not scheduled for any person.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Invalid value or command format used for scheduling a meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example Test Case: schedule 100001 s/23-12-2024T16:00 e/23-12-2024T17:00.

Expected Result:

  1. Meeting is not scheduled for any person.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • schedule 5.
  • schedule 1 s/23-01-2024T13:00 e/23-01-2024T14:00.
  • schedule 1 s/23/04/2024 16:00 e/23/04/2024 17:00.
  • schedule 1 s/23-12-2024T16:00 e/23-12-2024T17:00 mr/Prefers to meet at home/zoom.
  • schedule 1 s/31-01-2024T16:00 e/20-01-2024T17:00.

Unscheduling a meeting with a person

Unscheduling a meeting with a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. All persons in the list have a scheduled meeting.

Example test case: unschedule 5.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting detail is deleted for the specified person.
  2. Person List updates the list of contact with the person with no meeting.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the name of the specified person.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Unscheduling a meeting today successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. All persons in the list have a scheduled meeting.
  3. The scheduled meeting date of this test case must be the same as the system’s current date

Example test case: unschedule 1.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting detail is deleted for the specified person.
  2. Person List updates the list of contact with the person with no meeting.
  3. Today’s Meeting List shows the list of today’s meetings without the specified person.
  4. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the name of the specified person.
  5. Command Box is cleared.

Unscheduleing a non-existent meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. No persons in the list have any scheduled meeting.

Example test case: unschedule 5.

Expected Result:

  1. No person in the contact list is modified.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Invalid value or command format used for unscheduling a meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example test case: unschedule.

Expected Result:

  1. No person in the contact list is modified.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • unschedule 0.
  • unschedule 100000.
  • unschedule1.

Rescheduling a meeting

:information_source: Note: The following test cases are based on the assumption that the current system datetime is before 20th June 2024. If the current system datetime is after 20th June 2024, the year of the input datetimes must be set to a future year.

Rescheduling a meeting successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. The first three persons in the displayed list have scheduled meetings.

Example test case: reschedule 1 s/01-12-2024T09:30 e/01-12-2024T12:30.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting details of the specified person is updated with the provided rescheduled meeting date and time.
  2. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the rescheduled meeting information.
  3. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • reschedule 2 s/20-06-2024T09:30 e/20-06-2024T12:30.
  • reschedule 3 s/15-09-2024T10:00 e/15-09-2024T11:00.

Rescheduling a meeting today to another day successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. The first person in the list has a scheduled meeting today.

Example test case: reschedule 1 s/01-12-2024T09:30 e/01-12-2024T12:30.

Expected Result:

  1. The meeting details of the specified person is updated with the provided rescheduled meeting date and time.
  2. Today’s Meeting List shows the list of today’s meetings without the person with the rescheduled meeting.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the rescheduled meeting information.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Invalid value or command format used for rescheduling a meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 person is in the list.
  2. The first person in the displayed list has a scheduled meeting.

Example test case: reschedule 1 s/01-01-2024.

Expected Result:

  1. Meeting is not rescheduled for any person.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • reschedule 0 d/01-01-2024T09:30.
  • reschedule 1 s/01-01-2000T09:30 e/01-01-2000T12:30.
  • reschedule 1 s/01-01-2024T09:30 e/01-01-2023T12:30.

Rescheduling a non-existent meeting


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 person is in the list.
  2. The first person in the displayed list does not have a scheduled meeting.

Example Test Case: reschedule 1 s/01-01-2024T09:30 e/01-01-2024T12:30.

Expected Result:

  1. Meeting is not rescheduled for any person.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • reschedule 1 s/01-01-2024T09:30 e/01-01-2024T12:30 mr/Offline Meeting.

Remarking a person

Leaving a remark on a person successfully


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.

Example Test Case: remark 1 r/Birthday on 31 July..

Expected Result:

  1. The remark of the specified person is updated to show the respective remark.
  2. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the new remark.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • remark 3 r/Wants to get into investing. Wants $100,000 in savings by end of year..

Removing a remark from a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. The first person in the displayed list has an existing remark.

Example Test Case: remark 1 r/.

Expected Result:

  1. The remark of the specified person is updated to be empty.
  2. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the new remark.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • remark 5 r/.

Invalid value or command format used for updating remark of a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example Test Case: remark 1 r/Birthday on 31/7..

Expected Result:

  1. Remark is not updated for any person.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • remark r/.
  • remark -1 r/Birthday on 31 July..
  • remark 100000 r/Birthday on 31 July..
  • remark 1 r/Birthday on 31 July r/.

Adding one or more tags to a person

Successful addition of one or more tags to a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.

Example Test Case: addtag 1 t/PRUSafe365.

Expected Result:

  1. PRUSafe365 is added to the first contact of the list.
  2. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor.
  3. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message with the details of the contact with the added tags.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • addtag 1 t/PRUSafe365 t/PRUGrowth.
  • addtag 5 t/PRUActiveCash.

Invalid index, tag or command format supplied when adding one or more tags to a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example Test Case: addtag t/PRUSafe365.

Expected Result:

  1. The tag is not added to any person in the contact list.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • addtag 100 t/PRUSafe365.
  • addtag 3 t/ t/PRUSafe365.

Deleting one or more tags from a person

Successful deletion of one or more tags to a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. At least 5 persons are in the list.
  2. The tags exist on the targeted person.

Example Test Case: deletetag 1 t/PRUSafe365.

Expected Result:

  1. PRUSafe365 is deleted from the first contact of the list.
  2. Person List shows all persons in FINDvisor.
  3. Command Result Box displays the deleted tag(s) and name of the specified person.
  4. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • deletetag 1 t/PRUSafe365 t/PRUGrowth.
  • deletetag 5 t/PRUActiveCash.

Invalid index, tag or command format supplied when deleting one or more tags to a person


  1. List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons are in the list (less than 100).

Example Test case: deletetag t/PRUSafe365.

Expected Result:

  1. The tag is not deleted from any person in the contact list.
  2. Input in the Command Box remains and turns red.
  3. Error details are stated in the Command Result Box.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • deletetag -1.
  • deletetag 3 t/ t/PRUSafe365.

Clearing all persons in FINDvisor

Clearing all persons successfully


  1. At least 1 person is saved in FINDvisor.

Example Test Case: clear.

Expected Result:

  1. All persons’ information is removed from FINDvisor.
  2. Person List is empty.
  3. Today’s Meeting List is empty.
  4. Command Result Box outputs a successful execution message.
  5. Command Box is cleared.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • clear 1.
  • clear a.

Exiting FINDvisor

Exiting FINDvisor successfully

Example Test Case: Test case: exit.

Expected Result:

  1. FINDvisor is closed.

Alternative Test Cases:

  • exit 1.
  • exit a.

Opening help window

Opening the help window successfully

Example Test Case: help.

Expected Result:

  1. An additional help window is opened on top of FINDvisor.
  2. The help window should have window controls visible (i.e. minimize, maximize and close).

Alternative Test Cases:

  • help 1.
  • help a.